Kids Interview
My name is Jenny.
I'm 13 years old and from Nicaragua.
Q1. I want to do useful work for my country. I want to get a great job and have stable life.
Q2. My happiness is that the god give us a stable life. I have a family who loves me. And to get better stable life and happiness.
Q3. Japan is very important in all over the world. Japan has the 2nd major economic power in the world and technology is also very much developed. I want to go to Japan some day.
* The translator was Jenny's big sister.
Related article: Choluteca (Honduras) ~ Managua (Nicaragua) Trip / Kid's Interview
Even if it takes into consideration the age of 13 years old, it is wonderful that he can express clearly the opinion established this much!!
I think that it may be influential that that I feel power for his voice also has so unstable the political conditions of a country that reminds me Africa.
Although he said about the dream, "Want to do something to help this country", he has said before shooting that he considered work like a doctor.
Although almost all oepole of Nicaragua are Christians, I feel a pious thought especially from him.
Although I met him by chance, it turns out that he is an excellent child by the contents which he talks about Japan.
For example, when I was 13 years old, I wonder that I could have talk about America or British like him.
No, I would have had no comments. *laugh*
<Mika for Tatsuya Yamada>