株式会社 山木商行 FUKUDA サンシャインスキューバ アライヘルメット ラフ&ロード スピード☆スター RKジャパン ツアラテックジャパン 岡田商事 YONEZO




ナイロビ(ケニア)発〜アルーシャ(タンザニア)行き/ For Arusha (Tanzania) from Nairobi (Kenya)

I have to say good-bye to staff members of the hotel in Nairobi who help to me a lot. Thank you very much!

The trouble occurred in the first gas station! Gasoline begins to leak from a motorbike by my mistake and dangerously close to go up?! Operation of the cook of a huge tank had a mistake. But it was good to check here.

Finally I have been able to started!! I'm shouting "It's Africa!!!" while I'm driving. lol

When I approached Tanzania from the end of Kenya, the way had quite much dirt, and much pasturage was seen!

I have a way obstructed by good various animals.I have to take care also about a traffic accident with animals. What I was most surprised at is a camel!!! Unfortunately I couldn't take a picture.

It is the border in Kenya to Tanzania. I began to drive in the place which exceeded, shouting "Tanzania!!!".

Since there was much construction of the road of a trunk road anyhow, I was in the very severe state that had many dirt runs.

When I arrived at the hotel in Arusha, it was right before the sunset because the speed got slower. I went to wrong road in Arusha then I came into kind of a scary village but I could make it through to return and get here. Right after I arrived, I've done oil supply of chain oil and an accelerator wire cable, tire-pressure check and so on, then people were gathering and talking to me. I'm very enjoying about it.

Although I will drive from Arusha to Morogoro tomorrow, it will be touch trip because the distance is going to be double of today. It's depend on road status.


Finally my motorbike has been delivered!

早速整備に取り掛かり各部をチェック。とりあえず全て問題なしでした(^^) 噂には聞いていましたがホテルのパーキングエリアだというのひっきりなしに人が集まって来てバイク人気はすごかったですσ(^_^;)
I overhaul each parts immediately. There is no problem at all :-) Although I've heard the rumor, even it was the parking area of the hotel, people gathered continually and motorbike was very popular.
I'm going to depart early tomorrow morning.
I'm wishing that I arrive at Tanzania safely and upload this blog there.


<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>

ケニアの日本大使館/ Japanese embassy in Kenya

月曜の朝にはクリアリングが出来ると先週、確約頂いていたのですが三たび、四たび?五たびくらい?(笑)、「やっぱりまだ」と覆されたので本日(火曜)午前、日本大使館に状況の確認と相談に行ってきました。外国の日本大使館に入るのは初めてですがこんなことでもない限り、入ることがない思い貴重な経験を楽しむことに。(苦笑) まず写真撮影は禁止。外観を撮影しかけたところで係官に制止され撮影したものがあるなら削除して下さいと。まず大使館の建物の外で私からの相談内容を外交官が聞くと大使館内に通されたのですがテロをかなり警戒しているとのことで携帯電話、カメラ、武器になりそうなものを全て没収するなど飛行機の国際線の警備と同じ事をされてから入館をしました。大体2時間くらいの滞在でホテルに戻りました。そのことと関連があるかは不明ですが私のオートバイの通関業務とホテルまでの輸送を担当している現地のスタッフが午後、私を訪ねてホテルまで来て、「今日全てクリアリングが出来ました。うまく行けば明日、遅くとも明後日届けることが出来ます。」と伝えにきました。
Although I've got a firm commitment which the clearance will be completed Monday morning last week, I was reversed it with the phrase "it's not been yet though." many times, so I went to Japanese embassy to consult about it this morning (Tuesday). I've never entered Japanese embassy which is located in foreign countries but if I don't have like this case, I don't have any chance to enter there so I decided to enjoy like this precious experience. *sweat* Well, taking photos is forbidden there.  When I almost took picture, an agent made me stop and told me that please delete it if I've already taken any.
First,  a diplomatic agent heard about my situation at out side of the embassy's building, then I was allowed to get into the inside building. They beware of terror very much so they confiscate my cell, camera and all other stuff which can be weapons and I was gone through the same as airport security gate system then enter the building. I've stayed there about 2 hours then went back to the hotel.
I'm not sure that will related about this but the agent in Kenya who is taking care of the custom procedure of my motorbike and the transportation to the hotel came to the hotel the afternoon, then told me that "the clearance could be all completed. If there is anything, it will be deliver tomorrow or at least day after tomorrow."
Well, I don't remember how many times I heard the phrase of  "It will be delivered to the hotel" (lol) but I have always positive and simple thinking  as my personality, so I'm very exciting!
I feel like it's hard to see my hunny bunny. lol
Anyway, my departure is quite delayed, so there is a possibility that the visas which I've applied and received already in Japan might be getting expired for my visiting countries. And I have contact to people who I've contacted to make appointments for the kid's interviews and tell them about my arrival delay.
I've received precious advice about stolen motorbike and traffic accidents from experiencers of the world touring and people who have been doing the world touring now. I brace for my journey.

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>

ナイロビ日記?!/Diary of Nairobi?!

When I talked with my family via Skype right after I arrived at Nirobi, my son who is an elementary school student asked me that "where are you, daddy?" so I told him "I'm in Kenya, Africa."  then he so impressed and said "it's so far.".

It's been 10 days today since I talked with him and he asked me "where are you now, daddy? so I answered "I'm still in Nairobi." then he said "you still..." with being disagreeably surprised. lol

昨日と今日は、さすがに体がなまってきて逆に筋肉が痛く(?)なってきたので気分転換も兼ねて運動をすることに。昨日はホテル内のジムでランニングとマシンです。本来ならホテルの回りをジョギングしたいところですが、なかなか一人で外出することが安全上ままなりません。本日は初めてプールに入りました。優雅にプールサイドで昼間からアルコールを飲み、読書やおしゃべりを楽しむ白人達を横目に私は学校の水泳部のように何往復も泳ぎました(笑) ハワイのダイビング「サンシャインスキューバ」で鍛えてもらったせいか少し泳ぎが上手くなった気がします。日本を出発前にアドバイスを頂いた世界2周!@@もしてきた女性ライダーうらんさんの持ち物に「水着」があったので私もそんなの使うことあるのかな?と思いながら持って来たのですがいきなり登場、活躍です(笑)
I feel like my body is getting out of shape and my muscle is not well, so I decided to exercise for a change. I was running and machine exercise at the gym in the hotel yesterday. I wanted to go for a jog around the hotel but it is difficult to go out myself alone due to safety. Today I got into the pool for the fist time. With a side-glance at whites who drink alcohol from daytime at the poolside gracefully and enjoy reading and chatting, I was swimming laps like a swimmer at a school swimming club. lol  I feel that I'm getting better for swimming maybe because "Sunshine scuba" aka scuba diving in Hawaii made me train. Ms. Uran who did two round-the-world trips and is a rider gave me some advice, and there is a swim suite as her belonging, so I was wondering I will use it but I brought it. And it came up big! lol


Nairobi in Kenya is directly under the equator mostly like this.
Since sunlight quite strong till the evening remained, I was able to go into the pool also in time which returned from going out.

あと、やはり世界一周から昨年戻られた「自由人さん」からのアドバイスの携帯ウォシュレットもかなりイイ感じです(笑) 他の沢山のことについても、さすが先人のアドバイスは身にしみます。スタート後はもっとそれを感じることになるでしょう。

And a portable  washlet aka toilet with bidet is useful as the advice from "Freeman" who came from the around the world journey. The advice of  many other things from predecessors also well understood. I will feel it deeply after I start this journey.

Today's my outing purposes are sending the data of videotaping to Japan via DHL, procedure of duration-of-call extension of my overseas mobile phone and purchasing some other stuff, so I used a resident taxi in the hotel for outing. First I told Francis who is a driver that I want to buy a jump cable then he's looked for many stores and finally found the store which sell it. I thank to him very much and gave him little extra chip with taxi fare then he wants to do service more than he received so asked me that if I have more stuff to get, and he's helped me until I get all what I need. What a impressive his kindness. *impressed tears*

I was not going to write a diary of Nairobi (lol) but I will report you about my current situation with pictures!

A part of city market had a place like a black market.

Fruits shop

Repair shop of motorbikes


DHL of Africa is sent also at such a place. lol

Ms. Grace who took care of my package.

A supermarket which turn over anything in center of the city.

Fruits are delicious and cheap! Pineapple is about 70 yen!

I got these because I like it, got bored of meals of the hotel and for saving of travel expense.

There is a spoon in a pot noodle in Africa. :-)

About my motorbike, the clearance has not been finished yet on Monday night, so I decided to go to Japanese embassy tomorrow. I will report you about it!

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>

何か意味があるのでしょう。/Probably something is meaningful.

It is tough information. I got contacted that my motorbike will be delivered on 12th, Wednesday.

I'm kind of living in the hotel and feel like Tom Hanks in the movie of "Tarminal".

I will do my best. No, I will have exceeding the best everyday!

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>

ナイロビ市内/Nairobi downtown



Hmmm... there is something wrong? My passport hasn't been returned from the travel agency, and I'm not sure where's my motorbike at. This is the time to lean a lot for mental.  :-)



So since I have few things to buy, I go to the downtown!
I got some advice about the safe area and behavior at the town carefully from the hotel clerk and the taxi driver, then I came to the center of Nairobi by myself. The advice is that don't wear a watch, never answer if someone talk to me, don't go to west from the Hilton hotel and so on. Here is very lively and fun! Store clerks are very kind. And there are mosques in the town so I was surprised that I could see many Islam people.
It is a situation of a town.



There was a Japanese-made motorbike.



It is YAMAHA R-1. There is nothing even an emblem. I was as hard as possible only by taking a photo. Although I wanted to see a motorbike more nearly, since my surrounding people were seeing me narrowly, it was not able to do. lol 

Although mosquitoes are powerful enemies in Africa, it will be like this even I got a little mosquito bite.

So I bought this to prevent being sick with malaria.



なんとよく見ると日本製!少し安心しました。(笑) また昔懐かしくもあります。

When I look carefully, it is made from Japan! I feel little relieved. :-) And also bring back old memories.

<Mika Igisu for Tatusya Yamada>



旅はまだ始まっていませんが/It's not started my journey yet though...


It turns 7th  in few hours here too and It's been almost a week since I left Japan. Time flies! ! A year has 52 weeks, so I can image that this journey would be passed by like a flash. My feeling that would like to have productive days everyday soars more and more. Although my journey cannot start without my motorbike, I will report all of you in Japan including my record.
I've stayed at a business center in this hotel all day. It took more than 5 hours to send the video picture of yesterday's kid's interview to Japan! I have to find out the better method... While I was doing it, I've created a section map which  is connected my visit places after leaving Nairobi. The map source of  GPS navigation only has south part of Africa, so I will be teach only coordinates from this map. I will have driven  with asking it to the stars :-)

Here is just a foreign country though it was rarity that I saw one Japanese family at this hotel yesterday.
Although I think wholly African countries,The difference of the temperature of daytime and night is big. Hotel guests are enjoying swimming at the pool in the hotel at daytime.




The restaurant which is at the same  pool side turns on stoves at night.


さて明日はパスポートを返却してもらえる予定日ですがオートバイはまだ届きません。フィードザチルドレンのケニアの最高責任者のサンチェさんも何度も心配して連絡を下さいます。日本大使館へ連絡をするなら推薦状を出すわよとか、今回始めて会っただけの私になんと親切にして下さるか。私の旅路を心配して下さる方がこのケニアにもいることが判っただけでも益々、力が漲ってきます。またホテルのスタッフにも多大な助けを頂いています。イリンガというタンザニアの町のホテルがどうしても見つけることができなくて困っていることを相談したらすぐに対処してくれました。今回、もっとも多く使っている英語です。「You've been great help」(お陰様で大変助かりました)

Thinking about it, I've not gone out from the hotel since I've been for shopping and to the elementary school. It is not a situation that just go for a walk, shopping or dining out... The outside of the hotel is in a quite wicked situation. Military men or policemen who gained a machine gun loitered, the park adjoined which we cannot walk by any means daytime also, it was surrounded by severe wall like an iron grille and barbed wire, and this hotel is built.
Well, today is the day that my passport will be returned to me but I've not received my motorbike. Ms. Sanchez who is the CEO of Feed The Children in Kenya is also worried about me and repeatedly contact me.  She told me that I will write a recommendation letter if you contact to Japanese embassy. She is making nice with me even we've met first time this time.  My power overflows increasingly with being able to know that those who worry about my journey are also in Kenya. Moreover, staff members from this hotel have helped me a lot. When I consulted them that I'm stumped about being able to find a hotel at Iringa in Tanzania, they helped me immediately. "You've been great help." which I've been using the most many times in this journey.

oh yeah, I've done laundry since 20 years!





<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>

【ケニア】第一回小学校訪問です。[Kenya] Visiting to the first elementary school

First, I visit Feed The Children (FTC) Kenya Office which arranged the elementary school visit and observe inside.


FTC is carrying out activity which sends food to hundreds of elementary schools in Kenya. The manager explained to me. First, it leads to that a child's food is stabilized going to school. If children go to school, they will master culture and be able to get employment. But if it will be other way around, they will have rough spiral. Therefore, a virtuous circle cycle can be made from supplying food by someone. It's really wonderful activity. This organization is an NPO organization which an American philanthropist, Mr. Steve, has started and it has spread on a worldwide scale. Since Nu Skin Enterprises had a strong relation with FTC, I could be indebted this time.



It is the elementary school in the slums of an area called Kibera which I visited.
It was lunch time, so many kids came out to the school yard and were waiting for serving meal.


I was also allowed to help to serve meals. I've done such activities  since I went to Malawi.


In order that I visit to this school, policemen (they are not from army.) armed with guns were in charge of the guard. I feel so serious the meaning strongly.



The interview to kids also finished with no problems. I was allowed to take videotaping by representing to three 10-year-old kids. I've sent the video and the sound to the translation & image work team in Japan. Please wait for little while to upload. 


When I gave them interviews and videotaping, I was struggle to do that and also my English skill is low so I've not thought about what they told me deeply at that time. But what they told me made me think when I checked the video later. Actually I got a shock. Please look forward the contents which they told me in the video I upload here.

追記 1/5

Mr. Ben has dropped and picked me up.
He's very calm, gentle, same height as me and black guy. When I saw that he gave chip to the police men who guarded us, I thought again. I've considered how can I give the appreciation for being indebted this time, so I thought I would like to give appreciation to Mr. Ben same amount as he gave to the policemen at least and I tendered it to him in the car. But he refused it with his kindness. It was the moment that I got so impressed his deep heart of kindness. I still would like to provide something to him, so I gave him my new big suitcase which I bought for bringing all my stuff to Kenya. I don't use it when I receive my motorbike, and he receive it for me. I received And I got the message which wishes the safety of the trip by motorbike.



新しい情報が入りました。私のオートバイの通関手続きに私のパスポートが必要になったとのこと。本日現地のエージェントに渡して、それをモンバサの港に送り、それから手続きに入り、オートバイが私の手元に来るのは土曜、8日くらいとのこと(>_<)。 ケニアに一週間滞在です。。


Feel like OMG... There is a major tornado per trip! lol
I got new information. They said that they need my passport for custom clearance of my motorbike. I will give it to the agent today, send it to the port of Mombasa then start to register. My motorbike would come to me next Saturday which is on 8th. I have to stay in Kenya for a week...
Well, maybe bad luck often brings good luck. :-)

Today I will go for shopping to get stuff for my motorbike which I couldn't bring into the airplanes. Need to get oil for chains, lubrication oil which is like CRC55-6, brake oil remover and so on, so I went to many places. Here is different from Japan and there is no specialized store for motorbike or vehicle.
Mr. Karonga who helped me for transporting.

He took me up to a repair factory but they didn't sell those. Next place that I went is a BWM dealer in Nairobi because my motorbike is BWM. But they don't have stock for selling. They told me that one place that I can buy, and it's located in like Industrial area circulation housing complex and a dealer which carry chemical stuff. Fist I told that I came from Japan then they welcome to me well. Moreover they found out that I will start touring around the world then they treat me very polite and kind, and also they have me to pick the products that I want to buy from their shelf. In addition they discount for me. I said I would like to take picture with them then they said they want me to send it so gave me a business card. They were very kind!


しかし買い物のために街中を車で走った(助手席)のですがかなりレベルの交通事情です。 基本的に譲り合いの精神はありません。レース的に言うと全てのドライバーの突っ込みとブレーキングは素晴らしいです(笑) オートバイで出発の日が来たらとにかく交通事故だけは気をつけようと心に誓うのでした。
Well, we've driven a car in the town for shopping (actually I've ridden next to the driver though.) but it was very bad transportation condition. Basically there is no culture for meeting halfway. If I express by a race, drivers' crushing and braking are great. lol  When my starting day by my motorbike comes, I promised myself to be careful for traffic accidents.

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada> 

貴重な足止め日/ The precious holding up day



Custom agent in Kenya contacted me close by evening and told me that they might be able to deliver my motorbike to my hotel tomorrow.
It makes me busy :-) I need to prepare for checking out, booking hotels in next city where I leave Nairobi and Arusha in Tanzania and checking the way to get those places on a map, so actually my feeling shift to feeling heat. lol




Moreover, I had to contact to Mr. Sanchez who is from Feed The Children (FTC) by phone to check the appointment and address for the elementary school. I speak UN-fluent English,  so it is way to difficult to speak in English on the phone but he is very kind and speaks very very slowly for me when I try to speak with my best.
When I know the address of the school which they prepared for me, it's located in the slum even people from Nairobi avoid to go.
Finally Japanese kid's voice and Kenyan kid's start to communicate. Great! So excited!




Although it's rare, there are Japanese dishes in the menu at this hotel restaurant.
I had Tempra. It's local price and cheap but it's good taste!
This is the hotel restaurant, so the piano live is carrying out.


Suddenly, I've looked back upon my life.

I'm in Kenya at this moment and having Tempra with piano live, and I will start to travel in African continent where is the birthplace of human beings in few days... What a miracle and interesting my life is.

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>

今は朝、7時過ぎです。/ It's around 7 am here.

I've been taking time to do internet work because the connection is not stable.
I will get a contact from a custom agent today and it will be great if I can receive my motorbike today.
I'm going to visit an elementary school in Kenya with members who are the 3rd largest NPO organization Feed the Children in the United States on 5th. It is said that it is seemingly quite a poverty area and security will also come. I think that I can make a precious report.
I will check of the route in Africa and build the data transfer system to Japan from now on.
Even it's a new year holiday, staff members who are in Japan is working for me. I appreciate it.
Well, seems like people in Kenya don't care about New Year that much. It was like normal Sunday yesterday.

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>

ナイロビホテル到着です!/ Arrived at a hotel in Nairobi!

I've just checked in at a hotel and gotten into my room safely in Nairobi!

I landed about 2 hours ago, and exchanged money to Ksh, immigration clearance, custom clearance, purchased SIM for Arica and water and went to a hotel.
This hotel is the middle class in Nairobi but it is very pretty hotel called Fairview Hotel. First I felt relieved that I could make sure to connect the internet.

It was the quick note for all of you!

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>
和光小学校 岐阜市立鶉小学校





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