マラウィのリロングウェを出発する時、チパタまでは「1時間かかんないよ」という人もいれば4時間かかると言う人も。いつも3人以上に聞くと本当の時間が見えてきます(笑) ということで移動距離は150キロ位いということで今まででもっと最も短い距離を走ります。途中国境があるだけです。・・実はその国境で大事件が!ザンビア直前のマラウイの国境(出国)でパスポートを見せると担当警察官が「マラウイの入国のスタンプがない」私「またまた冗談を」と。警官「本当にどこにもない!」え!@@ よく見ても本当にないじゃないですか!・・やはりタンザニアを出る時にカルネの扱いはしっかりやってくれたんですがゲートの役人が「パスポートを見せて」と言われパスポートを渡して確認してもらった時に「行っていいよ」と言われてそのまま出てしまったのがいけなかったようです。自分でイミグレーションで入国のスタンプを押してもらう作業をする必要があったことをちゃんとしなかったのが原因です。で、結局「タンザニアの国境、カスムーンに戻るしかない」と。そんなことをしていたら本当に5日間以上のロスです。どうにかならないか交渉してみたところ最終的に300USドル(!!)の手数料(?)で手を打つ事になりました(超苦笑)これはかなり高い授業料になりました。
It was very hard this time...
When I leave Lilongwe in Malawi, there are some people who said it takes less than an hour to get there and other one said it takes 4hours. When I ask more than 3 people then I can find the real lead time always. lol I'm going to drive about 150 km that is the shortest distance since I've driven in this journey. There is only the border on the way. To tell the truth... I got in trouble at the border! I showed my passport to a police officer at the border of Malawi which is right before Zambia then he said that "there is no stamp of immigration." and I said "you are kidding." The police: "There is no stamp anywhere!". What?! Even I checked well but there is nothing! When I left Tanzania, they did great work for my carnet, but when I showed my passport to a officer, he said "OK, go." then I left. But I should have needed to get an immigration stamp by myself there. At last, I was said that "There is a only way that you go back to Kasumulu to get the stamp". But if I do go back there again, I will waste of my time for more than 5 days. When I tried to negotiate with him to get through here, it settled for paying US$300 as the charge(?) for the time being. It was very expensive lesson fee...
そしてその50M先にあるザンビアの国境(入国)では超~慎重に手続きを進めたことは言うまでもありません(笑) それにしてもザンビアの国境の役人は偉く優しくて親切だったな~。国境を出て20キロほど先にチパタの町に入っていきました。私にとってはザンビア初の町との出会いです。実はこのチパタの町だけは宿の予約がないまま来てしまいました。なかなか予約できるホテルが見つけることができないままリロングウェを出発してしまったので現地で探すことに。アフリカの田舎町に観光案内所はありません。役所関係のところで聞こうかなどと思い道の脇に停車させバイクにまたがったまま地図を確認します。可能な限りiPadに地図を読み込ませているのでそれを見ていると通りすがりのザンビア人が珍しそうにのぞき込んでいます。ふと目線と上げるとすぐ先に「World Vision ZAMBIA」と書いてある看板と建物が道沿いにありました。
And needless to say, I could carry forward the procedure very carefully which is the immigration at the border of Zambia. (lol) Well, officers who were in the border of Zambia was very kind and gentle. I came into Chipata where is about 20 km away from the border. It is the first town for me since I came into Zambia. Actually I've not booked a hotel in Chipata yet. I couldn't find any hotel that I can stay then I left Lilongwe, so I just started to find here. There is no tourist information center at country side town in Africa. I thought that I try to ask at an office which is related to government, so I made a stop at side of a road and checking a map. I've installed maps into iPad as much as possible, so I was looking at it then a passer-by Zambian is looking into this curiously. When I was up my eyes, I could see the sign and building which are said "World Vision ZAMBIA" ahead on the road.
ワールドビジョンは以前、仕事関係のボラティアで強いつながりがあったところです。よし!ここで事情を話しホテルを教えてもらおう!と思い、張り切って事務所を訪ね「私は日本から来た山田達也です。貴団体とは以前、日本でつながりを持っていました」と友好的に話しをしたら、「ワールドビジョンはここじゃないよ」と。wwあら(笑) まあいいや、とにかくホテルを探していますということを伝えたら快くホテルを教えてくれました。そこからホテルまでの道中、大雨になり多くの人がガソリンスタンドの屋根の下で雨宿りをしていたので私も合流。その中の人が気さくに話しかけてくれました。ザンビア人、みな気持ちいい感じです^^。
I have a strong connection with World Vision for the volunteer work of my business before. Yes! I thought that try to explain about my situation and let's ask about hotel information here then I came into the building. And I said friendly that "I'm Tatsuya Yamada from Japan. I had a connection with your organization in Japan before." then I was said "Here is not World Vision." Oh... lol Well, it's OK. Anyway I told them that I'm looking for a hotel then they told me one. On my way to the hotel, I got heavy rain, so many people hide from the rain at a gas station so I went there also. One of them talked to me very friendly. Zambians are very nice. :-)
This time has much rain. I've worn my rain-suite at somewhere everyday since I left Arusha. It has much rain especially since I came into Malawi and today is the peak. It has thunder and rain partly right before. I don't hate to drive in the rain but it is awkward to take time that I have to wear my rain-suite, put a bag cover to the tank on and put cameras to dedicated the holder in/out/ Moreover, it would be related to waste of time if the weather has big changes every 30 mins.
【チパタのホテル:プロテアホテル US$150】
出来たばかりの奇麗なホテルです。ホテルのスタッフも超良い人ばかり(嬉)あと気のせいかザンビアは美男美女が多い気がしました(笑) タンザニアと違い、ザンビアはホテルもレストランの食べ物も値段が高いです。夕食はホテル内のレストランでスープとパスタと水を注文し88000ザンビアクワチャ(1500円)でした。
It is very new and clean hotel. The hotel clerks are very nice poeople. *happy* And maybe it's just my imagination, but there are lots of beautiful ladies and handsome men. lol The hotel and food are more expensive than Tanzania here. I ordered a cup of soup, pasta and water at the restaurant in the hotel as my dinner then it costed ZMK 88000 (JPY 1500).
明日はザンビアの首都「ルサカ」100万人の町に向けて600キロ弱の道のりを走ります。ルサカの宿はここのチパタのホテルのスタッフが私の要望に適したとことを探してくれて予約もしれくれました!ありがとう♡ 今日もホテル到着後、インターネットの確認、荷解き、バイクの整備、衣類の洗濯、ホテルの撮影、データの転送、メール送受信、食事、ブログアップ、翌日の道順の確認、その他などをしながら時間が一気に過ぎて行きます。明日の出発は特に早いのでなるべく早く寝ないと・・と思いこのブログを打っています。
I'm going to drive about 600 km toward to Lusaka where is the capital in Zambia tomorrow. The hotel clerk in Chipata has looked for and booked a hotel room in Lusaka per my request! Thank you<3 After I arrived at the hotel today, I've checked for connecting internet, done maintenance, had laundry, taken pictures of the hotel, sent forward the data, sent/received mails, had meal, uploaded the blog, checked up tomorrow's direction and so on then time flies. I will leave here early tomorrow, so I'm thinking that I better go to bed early, and I'm writing this...
<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>