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ルサカ(ザンビア)~ビクトリアフォールズ(ジンバブエ)の旅(写真アップ))/ Trip from Lusaka (Zambia) to Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe) <Uploaded photo>


Today's distance is about 500 km. Since I have to leave Zambia and nervously (lol) across the border for entering Zimbabwe, I will leave here early in the morning too. I get up 4:30 recently. Unfortunately it is raining today when I woke up. I found out that it is the rainy season when I going down to South. (It is not just I'm a rain man! lol) Well, The rainy season in Kenya is from April to June. I will leave here with wearing rain-wear this morning. Usually I download a map to my iPad on previous day of a departing day, so I've not got lost mostly but I couldn't use the Internet yesterday, so I have to ask the rout and remember it. There are many people that say "Anyways, just go straight!". lol

本日の道中の前半はヤバかったです。。ついにドデカイ穴、それも連続しているものにはまってしまいました。前転転倒!!!!?と覚悟するほどの衝撃だったのですがドリンクホルダーのペットボトルが吹っ飛んだなどだけで他には大きな損傷は無く良かったです。ホイールにも影響がなく胸を撫で下ろしました。さすがBMWのGS!と愛車を称えました(笑) まあしかしこのバイクはどれだけ走っても疲れないので本当に気に入っています。気になるタイヤの残量ですが日本在住アメリカ人の友人グレッグもブラワヨ近辺で私のバイクにあうタイヤショップを探してくれたりWTN-J(ワールドツーリングネットワークジャパン)からも情報を頂いています。空気圧と高めに設定したことで減りのペースは幾分鈍化したようです。ただ街中を走行するとすぐにオーバーヒートする傾向は酷くなってきているのでブラワヨでしっかり対策をしなければなりません。

Today's my half of the route was very rough... At last I got in a huge whole which is continuing. It was big shock for me like confusing with I did forward roll fall!!!? But only a pet bottle which put in the drink holder flew away and nothing other damages. I was lucky. There were no effect to the wheels, so I could be relieved.I praised my own motorbike as that's my baby, GS of BMW! lol Actually I don't feel tired even I have long driving, so I love it. Although it is the residual quantity of the tire to worry, Greg who is an American friend of mine and living in Japan is looking for a tire shop which can have tires for being able to fit my motorbike in the neighborhood in Bulawayo, and also I got the information from WTN-J (world touring network Japan).  It seems that the pace of decrease of tires became slow a little by having set up air pressure and more highly. But since the tendency to overheat shortly after running the inside of a town is becoming severe, I have to cope with it firmly in Bulawayo.


Well, today's another half of my route has great condition road and less barn animals, so it was a favorable cruise without  "raining sometimes ".  Although the last town Livingston in Zambia was passed and I passed also through the border safely, since a system differs from that an official in charge says by a country, it makes me confuse. 

I've tried to made a  reservation at the hotel in Victoria Falls but it was full occupancy, so I asked AMEX to look for a hotel hurriedly. It was the fact that only expensive hotel can be available, but I prefer to have good internet environment, so I will stay at Victoria Falls Hotel as $250 per night. As is to be expected, hotel staff's service is just great. I feel like that I want to stay longer. Since I will leave here early morning as always, I put my stuff to the room and go out to see Victoria Falls. I walk from the hotel about 10 min, there is the entrance for the viewing place and it costs $30 as admission.  It was huge falls and I could feel the great mother earth.


Thank you very much for telling me how to get to Livingstone from Lusaka politely, staff members at the lodge! I will come back again. :-)

On the way, I have lunch at unpopular spot.

It's nothing meaning though it's me. lol

I passed Livingstone ( The city at the west end of  Zambia).


The border of entering to Zimbabwe.
I met people who came from South Africa for touring. They are all white.

They said they are having touring with 20 motorbikes but there are 3 at there. All motorbike are BWM.

It was amazing view of Victoria Falls from the bridge which is on the border!!! Automatically I react to make a stop and take pictures then I was stopped by an officer.

Arrived at Victoria Falls Hotel!

DSCF1359ホテルの中庭から遠くに見えるのが国境の橋。George Brigde.だったと思う。
The bridge of the border appears in the distance from the courtyard of the hotel. I believe it's George Bridge.


I could listen live play by local artists inside the hotel.

A huge worm! African size?!


The entrance of the view place for the National park of Victoria Falls.

I wanted to take a sightseeing helicopter but it was late so I couldn't make it. If I could see is from the sky, it would be more amazing.

It seems that many things are unearthed.

This photo was taken by Chinese tourist.

This is probably the person who is the great man...
If I could have better English skill little more, I ccould have understanded though. (lol)

I feel like there is the crevasse of the earth!!!

Is it the bad weather or have such clouds come out chronically because of the waterfall...

It is the sightseeing route though (lol)

There are many people who are selling something to tourists. They are trying to sell me thing that I cannot put on my motorbike. (lol)
They are all desperate in order to support their family.

This is the 50 billion Zimbabwe dollar currency that only I purchased from them.
Did I pay too much although I purchased for about 4 dollars?

The other side of the bridge concerning the border is Victoria Falls.

The other side of the bridge concerning the border is Victoria Falls.

As a bonus.
Beautiful harmonious birds.

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>


【ザンビア】チパタ~ルサカの旅/ [Zambia] Trip from Chipata to Lusaka

まず、ザンビア、家畜多過ぎ!!!!(笑) チパタからルサカの約600キロの道のりは動物との戦いでした(笑) あちこちから道に飛び出してくる、または道の真ん中で立ちすくんでいる、今にも道の中央に突進するかもしれない気配で道ばたで立っている、犬、ヤギ、馬、イノブタ、イノシシ・・。今回は何度も心臓から心臓が出そうになりました(笑) とある村に近付いた時です。私のバイクの前い突然、犬が飛び出し、急ブレーキ!!で前輪ロック状態でABS効きまくり&路肩ダートにコースアウトです!心臓バクバクでいるところを道ばたの住人(飼い主?)が笑っています。く~っ!!!

First, there are too many farm animals in Zambia!!!! I was fighting with farm animals on the way of about 600 km from Chipata to Lusaka. (lol) Dogs, goats, horses, wild pigs and wild boars jump into a road from everywhere, stay at middle of a road or stand at side of a road that they seems like almost rush forward to a road. I've had like heart attack many times this time. When I was getting close to one village, suddenly a dog rushed forward a road and I made a hard stop!! Then my front wheel got locked, worked ABS well and did a course out at the side of a dirt road! While my heart was pounding, a person who is residence of the street (owner?) was laughing. Ahh!!!


And it's chickens shortly for a while in a previous village. A chicken which stopped on the road was surprised because I got close to it, and it tries to run in to me! I tried to avoid it as much as I can but I thought I did it... but it was alive!!!! I shouted "Damn it!!" in my helmet to a chicken.

チパタのホテルを8:30に出発してルサカに着いたのが15:00くらいでした。予約してあるロッジに着くとレセプションの女性(ドロシーさん)に「You are strong!」と驚かれました。それはいいのですがこのホテルで「予約されていませんよ」とwwww。 そうです、なぜかチパタのプロテアホテルのスタッフが結局しなかったのか何か判らなくなっているのか、どちらにしても予約がないと。「では一名、シングルでお願いします」というと「今日は満室で部屋がありません」ww 「そこをなんとか」「ないものはないっつーの!」とは言いませんが実際に部屋がないようです。では「どこかホテルを紹介してもらえませんか?」と言うやいなや奥から上司の女性(マンブウェさん)が「工事中の部屋でよければ使ってもいいですよ、ただ正規料金です」と。建物自体は完全に工事中でしたが私に見せてくれた部屋は8割がた工事が終わっている部屋でしたのでここでいいよということに。しかし食事を済ませ部屋に戻りシャワーを浴びようとするとお湯が出ません。さすがにその夜は力尽きてそのまま寝ました。。

I left the hotel in Chipata at 8:30 and arrived at the hotel in Lusaka at 15:00. When I arrived at the lodge which I've booked, Dorothy who is a reception there said "you are strong!" and was surprised. And she said my room was not booked at the hotel. I'm not sure the hotel staff from Protea hotel in Chipata couldn't made a reservation or this hotel lost my reservation but anyway there is no reservation for me. I said "then, please get a single room for one night." then she said "The rooms are full occupancy today and no extra room for you." (lol) We've not had the conversation like "Please make it for me some how." "There are no rooms!" but actually seems like there are no rooms. I asked her "could you please introduce other hotel for me?" then her boss whose name is Mambue came from the room and "you can use the room which is under construction. But the price is same as regular fare.". The hotel building is under construction but the room was completed as 80%, so I took it. But when I came back to the room after the dinner and tried to take shower, hot water didn't work. I had no energy at the night, so I went to sleep...


Although the talk gets mixed up, it is the evening after my arrival. I'm going to pass through Livingstone where is the western edge and come into Zimbabwe and try to stay at Victoria Falls on the next day, so today is the last night in Zambia. I consulted to a hotel staff to do [Kid's Interview in Zambia] then she said there is a big shopping mall behind the hotel and also lots of kids there so why don't you go there?".

すぐにバイクで撮影機材一式を持って出かけました。しかしいきなり子供に声をかけるのもやはりお互い危険ですのでどうしようかとモールの脇にバイクを停めて考えていると30歳前後の男性(デレク)が話しかけて来ました。「でかいバイクだね~」少し会話をすると結構まともな男性だということが判ったこととこの男性は仕事がなく誰かの手伝いを何かすることでアルバイトしたいと思っている人でした(アフリカはこういう人がすごく多い)「では私の手伝いをするかな?」「喜んで!」ということで、急遽私のアシスタントになりモールで10歳前後の子供を探すことに。見つかったら私が話しかけてデレクがさらに事情を現地語で説明をする。撮影をしかかったところで警備員がやってきたがデレクが事情を説明し、モールのオフィスのマネージャーに許可をもらいに行き、正式に撮影開始!撮影場所の周りには一緒に撮影に参加し始めた警備員も含め少し人だかりが出来、中には「何をしているのか?」と聞く地元民も。「日本のチャリティを兼ねた世界ツーリングで訪問国の子供にインタビューしています」というと皆応援してくれました。インタビューさせてくれた子供と家族にステッカーを渡すとあちこちから手が出てきて「私にも」「私にも」ステッカー大人気です(笑) 手伝ってくれたデレクに相談の結果の御礼(2000ザンビアクワチャ=34円)を渡しまた会おうと別れました。
I went to there with all the shooting equipment by my motorbike right away. But it is dangerous for each other when I talk to kids suddenly, so I made a stop and was thinking how to do it at the side of a mall, then An around 30-year-old man  whose name is Derek talked to me. "It's big motorbike." I had conversation with him little while and I found out that he's a good guy and he has no job and want to have a part-time job as helping someone. (There are many people like him in Africa.) I asked him "Do you want to help me?" then he said "My pleasure!" then he became my assistant. We went to the mall and look for kids who are age around 10.  When we find, I talk to a kid and he explain the details in Zambian. When we almost start to give an interview, a security came to us but Derek explain to him and go to get a permit from the office manager, then we officially can start to give an interview! It  draws a crowd around us including the security who Derek has explained before, and there are some local people ask us "What are you guys doing?".  We explained that "The child of a visit country is interviewed on the world touring which served as the charity of Japan." then they gave us aids. I gave the stickers to the kid who I gave an interview and his family, then hands came everywhere to have it with " For me too!" "For me too!". The sticker is very popular! lol I consulted with Derek about his return and I gave 2000 ZMK as 34 JPY, and said see you again and good-bye.

It is a traditional straw roof in Zambia.

A barn animal and a village.

There are many like them lol
They are crossbreed between the wild boar and the pig I think.

ランチタイム休憩Lunch Break.

I came into Lusaka!

That's capital! Here is 5 km away from the city center and there is an outside shopping mall. It's like Japan.

This is the lodge which I thought it was booked. I went into there in cheerful way then they said "We've not had your reservation."  Damn...

He is Derek. He became my assistant for the kid's interview. Seemingly an unemployment rate will be high and there is no prolonged work.

DSCF1335ここが現場のSCです(笑) 日本と同じように沢山のお店が入っています。
Here is THE shopping mall. (lol) There are many stores in the mall like in Japan.

I ordered Curry today. Actually the rice is not good taste but other things are good. :)

I could use the internet by staff's computer in the lodge.

<Mika Igisu for Tatsuya Yamada>

和光小学校 岐阜市立鶉小学校





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